Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Daily Score 7-8, slept great just a little sore from the volume

8:30 am BCAAs
10:00 am PWO shake
12:30 pm sandwich
3:00 chocolate milk
6:00 chocolate milk
9:00 chipotle burrito
180g PRO 250g CHO 60g FAT 2260 k/cals

Training 8:30 am

3 sets @100%; rest 12 minutes b/t

Row 250m
15 kbs 2 pood
25 burpees
15 kbs 2 pood
row 250m

4:22,4:23,4:24. Just didn't feel like I had that different gear to go to, seemed to recover well b/t sets and even after. Hours later I could feel the fatigue.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Daily Score-9 Slept great as usual

9:00 am Salmon and carrots
1:50 PWO Shake 3:00 Sandwich from Whole foods 
4:00-5:00 Quart of Non-homogenized Chocolate Milk 
7:30 Burger with a side of potato wedges  
10:00 pm Shake with whipping cream and whey protein
PRO~200g CHO~300g FAT ~80g k/cals ~2700

Training AM
A1. Press; build to a max.185# PR +10# It was a struggle!!! Longest press ever

A2. Weighted chin up; build to a max. 122# with no chicken necking

B. 30 muscle ups for time. 3:59 (PR is 2:30-40) Felt out of breath a little, and a bit sluggish/out of practice

C. 50 strict hspu for time.9:00 (PR is ~5:00) Felt even heavier on HSPUs than muscle ups sets of 5s until 20 then 3s and 2s, again felt out of practice and slow.

A. Power clean; build to a max. 305# Caught it high without wide legs tried 315# but didn't commit to going under

B. Amrap power cleans in 8 minutes @90% of A. 24 reps @275# with 1 failed, technique got a little ugly, just felt heavy

C. 3 min airdyne for max calories 98 Cals (set to 150lbs) (PR is 110)Legs just died, lungs were feeling it a little but not as much as my legs