Saturday, November 30, 2013

Daily Score 8. Felt good after 2 days rest just couldn't fit it in yesterday, so did it today. 7-8 hours sleep + a 2 hour nap yesterday.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

A. Squat snatch; 12 singles @80-90% 1rm; rest 90 seconds bw lifts
205x4 sets, 215x2 sets, 225x6 sets felt great! light off the floor and strong lockout overhead.

B. Squat clean; 10 singles beinning at 80% 1rm and increasing per lift
on the min (only last three real tough)
265, 270, 275, 280, 285, 290, 295x 4 sets. Felt HEAVY close to failure on squat and felt super heavy off the floor. Just haven't cleaned heavy in awhile I think.

C. 10 power snatch for time 165# x3; rest 3:30
33 seconds (5-3-2), 26 seconds UB, 27 seconds UB. Technique got better was jumping back and kept it really close to my body on the third pull.

A. Split jerk; 12 singles @75-85% 1rm; rest 90 seconds
235x6 sets, 245x3, 255x2, 265x1 felt great technique is getting better already and it doesn't feel heavy on my shoulders, probably just confidence.

3 sets for total working time:
20 squat clean 135#
40 double unders
rest 2 min

2:41, 2:58, 3:21 Limiter was breathing for sure! just got gassed so fast and couldn't get back on the bar first 2 rounds of DU's were UB, last round had to stop to breath for a second at 20 reps. Feel myself getting back in shape though.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Wednesday, November 27th 

Daily score 5-6 still incredibly sore from Monday. Slept 10 hours though.

A. Power clean clusters 2.2.2x5; rest 20 seconds/rest 3 min (tng)
235, 240, 245, 250, 255 went pretty wide just on the last rep. All other reps were good

B. Deficit deadlift @31x1; 4-5x5; rest 2 min
305x5, 325x5, 325x5, 325x4, 325x4 used a 4" deficit. Felt good just really focused on keeping my back straight. Used straps. 

C. TnG power snatch; 5 on the min for 8 min @135#
Done. Started to get pretty gassed at the end. Good practice though. I really focused on keeping it close to my body on my third pull. 

A. Snatch balance; 3 reps on the min for 10 min (start light - 135#ish
and increase weight per set so last 2-3 are tough)
135,155,175,185,185,205x5 sets. My triceps are still sore so these felt weak. Did a ton of mobility before starting and still felt tight
60 squat clean for time 95#
6:26 10-10 then 5s the rest of the time. Legs were SORE going into this. Made sure I stood up fully on every rep. Lungs and quads were both limiting. 

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Daily Score 8-9 woke up when I wanted because on Mondays I don't coach until noon. Love Mondays!

A. Split jerk; 1 rep on the 30 seconds for 30 reps @70% 1rm
done at 220. Felt really good tech got better and better.

B. Push press @31x3; 6-8x5; rest 90 seconds
7,7,6,6,6 All at 135 this was horrible. Shoulders burning!! This is why I need a coach otherwise I would not do this stuff. I think I am correct in assuming that the first 3 is the eccentric phase/lowering from the top not a 3 second dip. A friend wanted me to ask.

C. Bench press; 10-12x5; rest 90 seconds
C 145x12, 155x12, 155x10, 155x8, 135x12 owwwww! Felt it in my chest mostly. thumbs away from smooth was the grip width.

D. Laying DB tricep extensions 20-24x5; rest 90 seconds
Done at 15s, 20sx3 sets I'm sore from these! Fun though

A. Back squat clsuters 3.3.3x5; rest 30 seconds/rest 3 min
325, 330, 330, 325 w belt, 325 w belt, fun but tough.

B. Hang squat snatch from below the knee; 3 reps on the min for 10 min @60% 1rm
Done at 135 wasn't sure if you meant 1rm from below knee or actual 1rm. Tech needed a little work anyways so 135 was good, but definitely could've done 155.

C. Barbell reverse lunges; 30 continuous alt'ing steps x4; rest 2 min
 Done all at 115# legs and midline/back were feeling it. Wasn't sure the weight but 115 was doable but not easy, so 125 or 135 next time.

Super fun day, I am sore all over haha.

Daily score 7-8 I coached late and had to get up to teach the 6am but still slept really well. 

Run 400m @85%
rest 2 min
1:36, 1:39, 1:36, 1:39, 1:39, 1:39 Felt pretty good aerobically legs just give out and I feel my form breaking down after 300m

Row sprint 350m @100%
rest 5 min actively

Row sprint 350m @100%
rest 5 min actively

58.3 1:23.2 avg, 
59.9 1:25.5
60.3 1:26.1
62.7 1:29.5
62.4 1:29.1

Gassed especially after the first 3, quads just couldn't push any harder. overall good day!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Daily score- 8-9 great sleep and great nutrition yesterday as well as today

PRO 200g, CHO 420g, FAT 70g, k/cals 3,110

Smashed 2 workouts together today

Run 3k....couldn't get to a track so did 7 400s and 1 200m so quite a few turnarounds none the less I was slow from a) not being a very good runner b) still out of shape from being sick for an entire week. I think I am a poor runner mostly from lack of practice I used to be OK at it but since I have been trying to get stronger (since it has always been a huge weakness) my running abilities has been put on the backburner. Time 15:21 splits were consistently 1:50s for the 400m or close to it.

rest 30 minutes

Row 2k 6:55 not much drive after the running, I know its not ideal I just wanted to finish up testing. Splits were always just 1:44/500m pace not much of a kick at the end. PR is 6:42 or 44.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Tueaday, November 19, 2013

Daily Score 8-9 still hazy but completely healthy now!

190g PRO, 300g CHO, 75g FAT, 2675 k/cals

10 minute max cals AD 222 cals, PR is 260 on an evo comp which I've heard is easier to get calories on.

Sick Day...Kinda

11-Nov (late post, this was performed on November 11th, this was the day I had an awful fever, which I got right after this workout) 
A. Squat clean; build to a max hit 305# and didn't even attempt 315#, had zero drive, which obvious to me now is because I was about to get the plague.

B. 30 squat clean for time 225# 7:43 with the onset of the plague coming on (PR is 6:30)
Row 500m for time (did not complete because I felt like garbage at this point, PR on this is 1:23)

PM (did not complete because I felt like hell at this point, PR on this is 4+15 reps) 
20 min amrap:
20 thrusters 135#
20 chin ups
20 burpees
(record split per round, and thank CJ for creating this awful workout)

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Daily Score 8 slept great and finally feeling better!

PRO 180g, CHO 350g, FAT 80g, k/cals 2,840

Build to a heavy Power Snatch 225# (235 is PR)
30 power snatches for time 165# 5:35 limiter was breathing felt like I hadn't trained in a week, which happens to be true.

21-15-9 DL 315, HSPUs 9:13 again took forever in between sets and during transition time because I was so gassed. Muscle fatigue was not really there, just no air in my lungs.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Daily Score 8 still sick but almost 100% slept great 10-11 hours.

will update tonight

5 sets @60-70-80-90-100% effort:
Run 200m
10 squat clean 135#
Run 200m
20 wall balls
15 burpees
rest 6 min bw attempts


started SLOW and felt like I did a good job at picking it up each round. I went UB on wallballs starting round 3 and I started doing tng on round 3 on the barbell and went ub the last round of cleans. The most time was probably lost on the runs

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Daily Score 6 cold lef me feeling weak
180g PRO, 300g CHO, 100g FAT, 2820 k/cals
A. 20 sets of 5 unbroken CTB for time 6:45, hands were about to rip, breathing was fine, kip was slightly off but not bad, felt pretty good though. Only felt slightly fat.

B. 20 seconds max reps burpees; rest 40 seconds x5 sets (no pacing) 17,14,14,13,12. Felt really slow! was breathing pretty hard and it took awhile to recover from this. Damn I did 40 seconds of burpees and 20 seconds rest!!! UGH!

C. Bench press; build to a max 245 was easy failed 275, I think the burpees took it out of me.

D. Weighted dip; build to a max 96#, never done this before for a max fun!

E. 1 set amrap unbroken kipping hspu 22 reps, kip was pretty off and I got local muscular fatigue much faster than usual. I think this is just due to not doing this movement in awhile. 

Daily score of 7 feeling better slowly but surely.
190g PRO, 250g CHO, 90g FAT, 2570 k/cals
A. Deadlift; build to a "tough single" (only pull for a max if you're
feeling it) 505 PR! Flat back, felt great.

B. 30 power snatch for time 135# 2:08 PR! My technique when fatigued get weird, I hit it well with my hips but then it turns into a kb swing, need to fix that.

A. 3 attempts to find 1 set amrap unbroken double unders 250,200,200 stopped when I was bored and now my calves hurt.

B. 100 KBS for time 2 pood 5:20 limiter was mental I think more than anything.
Skills filming:
- pistol squats 6 AFAP alt'ing on both legs (front and side view)
- 3 bar muscle ups in a row
- moderate load (2 pood?) TGU on both arms, up AND down
- HS walking
- standing vertical against wall
- standing broad jump (and a single leg standing broad jump on both legs)
- L-sit on rings (try to keep a perfect body line and feet above
hands) for max time
- single arm OHS 1 pood KB (both arms)
I filmed this stuff and sent it let me know if you got it.

Daily score 7-8 still recovering, but on the rise.
190g PRO, 350g CHO, 75g FAT, ~2800 k/cals
A. Front squat; build to a max 365# 10# under all time PR! 375# was after smolov and I was severly deconditioned.

B. Push press; build to a max 245# 10# under recent PR.

C. Split jerk; build to a max Hit 275# missed 295#. I think this is partly due to fatigue and partly because this is a huge weakness/technical deficiency of mine.

D. 30 shoulder to OH for time 225# (from floor) 4:30 10-5-5-5-3-2. Went for 5 reps to end it but I failed my 4th rep. So had to re-clean it to finish. Breathing pretty hard during this. Push jerks for all of them.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Daily Score 6-7 got a cold a few days ago and it caught up to me a little bit today.

9:00 am Eggs and bacon
11:30 am chicken, rice, and veggies
3:00pm PWO shake
8:00pm chicken, rice, veggies, and yams
PRO 160 CHO 350 FAT 100 k/cals 2,900

Training 1:00 pm
A. Squat snatch; build to a max
255# PR!! +10#
B. Back squat; build to a max
395# this was a struggle, back was relatively flat just felt heavy!
C. 20 squat snatch for time @77% of A
5:50 @195# Was never close to failure, should have gone faster and tested my limits, still it wasn't light.
D. 50 back squat for time 265#
8:19....This sucked! Just felt heavy from the start did 10-10-5-5-5-5-5-5. Back was tight but not the limiter, felt gassed and out of breath that was the main problem.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Daily Score 9 slept great, kind of settled in our new place.

10 am Breakfast eggs, bacon and yams
12:00 Pre workout BCAAs
1:00 Post workout shake
2:00 Berries and heavy whipping cream
4:00 Chicken and rice
8:00 Chicken and rice
PRO 150g, CHO 279g, FAT 145g, k/cals 3036.

Training 12:00 pm (was slated to do this tomorrow but had time so I wanted to knock it out today, hope that's ok)

Row 60:00 for max meters
15,353 meters
157.2/500m avg.
217 avg watts

Felt pretty good, I wanted a little below 2:00/500m avg and I got it! Faster next time. My 500m average for the half marathon at the games was 1:59.8-9 and I think I could've beaten that today. Legs were pretty tired a few hours after.