Thursday, August 21, 2014

Week 3


Was supposed to do 80% but I felt like chewing bees so I just kept going up.
135, 205, 245, 264, 286, 308, 330 fail, 319 PR, 330 PR.

Then we did Races 5 and 6 as well as 10 for Kilimanjaro.

Finisher was 3x20 second sprints on the Versaclimber; rest 3-4 min


Warming up thrusters were feeling pretty heavy I did 235 for my last double. When the race started though the bar felt WAY lighter, always a good feeling. We went pretty fast on Race 2. (Race 2 is 40 thrusters @235/145) 

Race 8 
60 5" deficit hspu
30 10" deficit hspu 
10 freestanding hspus (Val is silly good at these)

Today was a pretty light day as we are lowering the volume to be as fresh as possible for our match this Saturday against the DC Brawlers. 

A. 4x2 hang power snatch I used 220lbs for all sets, pull felt great today, I was moving fast. Danny hit 275 like a toy.

B. Practice freestanding hspus for 15 min

C. Race 11
  • 18 Wallball at 18lb
  • 15 Overhead squats at 185lb
  • 12 DB Hang snatch at 2x45lb
  • Handstand walk
  • 9 Bar muscle-up
  • 90 Double-under
  • 9 Burpee to 10' ring
  • 9 Clean and jerk at 225lb

Relay - each athlete takes one element.

Runs to station, does drill, runs to start line then finish line.

This is a really fun one to watch! I'm doing the burpee 10 foot ring touches. 


Today was a really light day all we did was some power cleans. We practice race seven (The clean ladder).


Power clean 235, 250, 265; rest as needed


Justin general run through of the races, and going over game plan.

We also got a chance to see the Arena for the first time, what an amazing venue. It is also the home of the Phoenix Coyotes (that's hockey for those of you who do not know)

Saturday-First game against the DC Brawlers.

Going into this match I had a lot of confidence, and I thought that these races favored our team. Unfortunately there was a hiccup in race two, that was a race we all expected to win, and after that our team felt deflated. We definitely had some high points in there as well, but I think we will move on to the next one having learned a lot of lessons in this first match. Onto the next one. #risestrong

1 comment:

  1. You all did great....1st race is a learning curve for most athletes in many sports...learn, adapt, move on...proud of you...Onward!!
