Fort Vancouver Invitational 2014 (partner competition)
WOD 1: Row 2000 Meters
(each partner must complete 100 and 40)
100 Double Unders
40 Toes to Bar
I started the Row and my partner started the 100 and 40, I got 1050m then we switched. Row was good felt great throughout, did the DUs ub, and the T2b 10-10-5-5-5-3-2 Grip was smoked. Felt pretty good after, maybe should've rowed harder
WOD 2: EMOM Clean + Front Squat + Jerk starts at 215
Got up to 335# but missed the jerk, 325 was solid no pressouts on the jerks, 325# is a 20# PR on my jerk, 335# is a 10# Clean PR. Legs were slightly fatigued after this.
WOD 3: 100’ Sprint 20 Minute Time Cap
30 Wall Ball Burpees
12 Snatch 155/95 (Athlete 1)
30 Wall Ball Burpees
12 Snatch 165/105 (Athlete 2)
30 Wall Ball Burpees
8 Snatch 175/115 (Athlete 1)
30 Wall Ball Burpees
8 Snatch 185/125 (Athlete 2)
So 60 burpees and 60 wallballs and 20 snatches for me, I was partner 2. Did the snatches UB at the end and they were all power snatches. the 165# were easy as well did 6-3-3. My burpees were tough and wallballs were easy. Burpees were the hardest part of this and we paced those alot. Felt pretty good still after day 1.
Day 2:
WOD 4: 4 Rounds
Farmer carry 205/145 each hand, 80 ft.
16 Box jump-overs 30”/24”
Farmer carry 205/145 each hand, 80 ft
Crushed this. This really sucked though bad lung burn! I think I probably had the fastest split times of anyone there. So far the worst workout of the weekend.
WOD 5: 2 Rounds
25 Buddy Squats - Station 1
Buddy + Plates Carry
25 Buddy Squats - Station 2
25 Muscle-Ups * ª
Buddy + Plates Carry to Station 1
Event Rules Video
link not Safari compatible
*Teammate must be locked out with deadlift 275/205
if the
other is touching rings or bar.
ª Round 1 is ring muscle-ups. Round 2 is bar muscle-ups.
This was horrible! Buddy squats killed me and my muscleups were bad only did 7 my first set and then less than that afterwards. Bar MUs were bad as well, just felt out of breath the entire workout.
WOD 6: Chip 1 - 50 Points
100 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
50 Thrusters 135/95
Chip 2 - 50 Points
100 Pistols, Alternating Legs
50 Deadlifts 315/195
Chip 3 - 50 Points
100 Burpees over Bar
25 Clean and Jerks 225/145
Partner Lunge 40 ft. 225/145
all done back to back to back. Pulllups and thrusters felt great breathing was on point. Pistols were good as well and breathing was solid, deadlifts were fast as well felt light, back was fine throughout. Burpees were shitty, I was super slow!!! Just couldn't move, and I couldn't catch my breath. Clean and jerks felt great but still gassed from the burpees bad just felt out of shape on this.
Engine is definitely not where is used to be but there is time still before the open, back never got lit up which was nice maybe because there was some built in rest in the workouts, felt super strong though which is nice! Good weekend!
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