Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Week 5

Build to a heavy power clean
285 felt heavy tried 308 but didn't even pull myself under.

2 sets; rest 3-4 min
Power clean 185,205,225,245
DB burpee Deadlift 40s,55s,75s,100s

Work some tng reps @175lb power snatches did 5 then 8 reps felt easy 15 in a row is doable

3 sets; rest 3
Row 250
10 burpee box jump overs 24"
10 DB snatches 80lbs

PM at lifetime
Bench press ; rest 3 min
225, 235, 245 butt came off a bunch, 245, 245. Ended up staying at 245 to ensure good form.

Chest supported t bar rows
3x12-15 @31x1; rest 90 seconds

Rope tricep extensions
2xmax reps; rest 2 min

A. Push press 205x10, 195x10, 185x10; rest 3 min

B. Back squat 325x10, 315x10, 305x10; rest 3 min

C. Bench press 185x10, 175x10, 165x10; rest 2 min

D. Single arm DB press 50x10, 45x10, 40x10; rest 2 min

Went to lifetime to shoot some hoops and I also did some stretching. Needed to get my mind off of all the confusion that has happened today. I really do the NPGL works out, fitness athletes need a way to get paid. The status quo needs to change. I also did 4x12 leg raises; rest 60 seconds 

A. Power snatch 5 reps w/straps 198, 187, 176( did full snatches for the last set); rest 2 min

B. Snatch grip DL 10 reps w/straps
275, 264, 242; rest 3 min

C. RDLs 10 reps w/straps
275, 264, 253; rest 3 min

D. Chest supported bb Rows 10 reps 
140, 135, 125; rest 2 min done very strict

E. Strict pull-ups on rings 8-10 reps 
10, 8, 8. 

Recovery day
A. Row 6x500m row; rest 2 min

A. Push press 10 reps @90% of Wednesday ; rest 3 min
185, 185, 185

B. Back squat 10 reps @90% of Wednesday; rest 3 min
295, 295, 295

C. Bench press 10 reps @90% of Wednesday; rest 2-3 min
165, 165, 165. Used a tough tempo because this was light. 

D. Single arm DB press 10 reps @90% of Wednesday; rest 90 seconds 
45lbs for all sets on both arms.

Just did some light body building for weak areas. 
Cable rope tricep extensions 3x20; rest 90 plus a drop set to failure

Pec deck 4x10 @50X0; rest 90
Rear delts on pec deck 3x10 @30X0; rest 90

1 set to failure cable face pulls. 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Week 4


B. Kb clean and jerks were TOUGH! Especially in the ladder format. 

C. Did 10 FS @285 in 22 seconds 

E. Did max strict chin-ups plus airdyne for 20 seconds; rest 2 min
30 double unders plus Airdyne for 15 seconds;  rest 2 min
25 seconds all out on the Airdyne

3x12 Cable external rotations rest 60 seconds between

4x10-12 Dumbbell shoulder press pronated grip with fat grips.  Rest 90 seconds. 45s

4x8 Barbell incline press 45° 135lbs. Rest 90 seconds to 2 minutes.

Max reps bench at 185  rest 90 seconds max reps bench at 135 rest 90 seconds max strict press at 95 right into max bench press at 95 
Got 8 reps then 7 reps then 7 reps then 10 reps.

3x15 dumbbell flies at 25 pounds; rest 90 seconds

3 sets:
Peck deck 15 reps;  rest 60
Cable face pull; rest 60

3x12 Leg raises on stall bars ; rest 90


We did races 1 through 7 for match 2 practicing so we can beat at the LA reign.

Race 1
8 - 6 - 4 -2 reps of
  • KB Clean and Jerk
  • Pistol Stick Jump-over
Male Weights20 kg / 24 kg / 32 kg / 40 kg
Female Weights16 kg / 20 kg / 24 kg / 32 kg
Male Heights6" / 12" / 18" / 24"
Female Heights

I do nothing in this race because my pistols are slow and horrible

Race 2 40 front squats for time @285 I did 15 with my group pretty fast.

Races 5 and 6 ( 3 and 4 the girls do) 
  • 40 Overhead Squat 165lb
  • 20 DB Burpee-over-Box 2x75lb 24"
  • 40 CTB Pull-up
  • 40 Hang Clean 205lb
I did 10 OHS and 10 ctb and 10 hang cleans 

Race 7
  • Thruster Ladder16 Barbells 60, 75, 90, 105, 120, 135, 150, 165, 180, 195, 210, 225, 240, 255, 270, 285
    Got 225. Started at 105. 
    PMA. Every 2 minutes all done with 225lbs 7 back squats with a narrow stance x5 sets5 back squats with a 1 second pause above parallel x4 sets 10 reps with a narrow stances x1 set.
    3x10 leg raises on a stall bar; rest 2 min 
    Races 8-11 of McKinley
    840 bar mus30 ring mus15 backward roll to support
    9 is women's 
    10 20 Kbs 88lbs10 ring mus15 wallball 30lbs 12'7 freestanding hspu12 snatches 185
    11I just do 3 rope legless climbs 17'
    ThursdayJust a general run through of races one through seven. As well some light conditioning
    FridayI got some stomach bug so I ended up taking a sick day I just stayed in bed all day and pretty much watch TV for 15 hours.
    SaturdayPretty much a travel day, as well as an agenda run through, we did no actual work, just finalizing where we should be and when.
    SundayWe played the LA rain in Long Beach, there were a lot of ups and downs, but we were fortunate enough to come out with the win. 
    It came down to the final race and they threw their challenge flag so we had to redo the last four elements and Valerie Calhoun and Danny Nichols really stood out, they both came through in a big way for us. 
    Had we executed everything perfectly and maybe had some better strategies on certain races it wouldn't have been such a nailbiter.  Overall though I'm pleased with how we performed.

    After the flight I got home and took a nap, I ended up sleeping for three hours. The plan was to go for a hike, a nice recovery hike so me and my roommate Brandon ended up hiking Camelback Mountain, it was definitely not a recovery hike! It was an amazing view at the top, but that was one of the hardest hikes of ever done! It took us about an hour and 20 minutes to get to the top and then another hour down.
6" / 12" / 16" / 20"

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Week 3


Was supposed to do 80% but I felt like chewing bees so I just kept going up.
135, 205, 245, 264, 286, 308, 330 fail, 319 PR, 330 PR.

Then we did Races 5 and 6 as well as 10 for Kilimanjaro.

Finisher was 3x20 second sprints on the Versaclimber; rest 3-4 min


Warming up thrusters were feeling pretty heavy I did 235 for my last double. When the race started though the bar felt WAY lighter, always a good feeling. We went pretty fast on Race 2. (Race 2 is 40 thrusters @235/145) 

Race 8 
60 5" deficit hspu
30 10" deficit hspu 
10 freestanding hspus (Val is silly good at these)

Today was a pretty light day as we are lowering the volume to be as fresh as possible for our match this Saturday against the DC Brawlers. 

A. 4x2 hang power snatch I used 220lbs for all sets, pull felt great today, I was moving fast. Danny hit 275 like a toy.

B. Practice freestanding hspus for 15 min

C. Race 11
  • 18 Wallball at 18lb
  • 15 Overhead squats at 185lb
  • 12 DB Hang snatch at 2x45lb
  • Handstand walk
  • 9 Bar muscle-up
  • 90 Double-under
  • 9 Burpee to 10' ring
  • 9 Clean and jerk at 225lb

Relay - each athlete takes one element.

Runs to station, does drill, runs to start line then finish line.

This is a really fun one to watch! I'm doing the burpee 10 foot ring touches. 


Today was a really light day all we did was some power cleans. We practice race seven (The clean ladder).


Power clean 235, 250, 265; rest as needed


Justin general run through of the races, and going over game plan.

We also got a chance to see the Arena for the first time, what an amazing venue. It is also the home of the Phoenix Coyotes (that's hockey for those of you who do not know)

Saturday-First game against the DC Brawlers.

Going into this match I had a lot of confidence, and I thought that these races favored our team. Unfortunately there was a hiccup in race two, that was a race we all expected to win, and after that our team felt deflated. We definitely had some high points in there as well, but I think we will move on to the next one having learned a lot of lessons in this first match. Onto the next one. #risestrong

Monday, August 11, 2014

Week 2

A. Every 15 minutes:
1. 30 DL 305
20 c2b pull-ups 

2. With a partner
30 snatches 165 must be sets of 5
All ub....obviously

3. 2 rope climbs 15' 5 bbj 30" rest 30 seconds x 2

B.  1 Thruster @235 x 4 sets; rest 90

C. Race 2 40 thrusters @235

D. For time:
10 DL 305
10 c2b pull-ups
1 RC 15'
7 snatches 165 (snatches were ub.....obviously)

Overall good day, shoulders are still fatigued a bit. Race 2 went well, I'm excited for that one. 

A. S2oh 5x2 @77% did 1 pp + 1 split jerk @245x2 sets 265x3 sets

B. 15 minutes freestanding hspu practice 

C. 2x10 kb clean and jerks 53#/hand

D. AB sprints @95% 20 seconds on rest 4 minutes x3 sets

Needed to squat! Feel like my legs are getting weak and I can feel it in my dip and drive doing push presses

A. Build to a moderate back squat triple
135x10 185x8 225x6 275x4 315x3 345x3. The warmup made the weights feel LIGHT. 345 was fast so I called it there.

B. Back squat 3x10 @225; rest 2 minutes went SLOW on the way down. Breathing felt great, weight felt light throughout the sets.

A. Match 1 ( each race has the name of a mountain, match 1 is named Kilimanjaro) race 2
40 thrusters @235/145
We went pretty fast

B. Build to a tough DL concentric only 
3 DL @305

C. Match 1 races 5 and 6
40 DL 305
40 c2b pull-ups
4 rope climbs 15'
40 ground to oh 165

A. 3 sets not for time
HS walk 50' 20 air squats

B. 3 sets for time
8 kb c and j 53/hand
4 deficit kipping hspu
2 mus

C. Kilimanjaro race 8
60 5" deficit hspu
30 10" deficit hspu
10 freestanding hspu

D. Kilimanjaro race 7
Clean ladder 

A. Cyclist squats 4x8 @40X0; rest 2 min
135,135,135,185, 225, (last set a mechanical drop set) 225+8 back squats @225+8 sissy squats 

A. Build to a heavy ish snatch +2 OHS 
231 for a power snatch + 2 OHS

B. Match 1 race 1 practice
5 snatch 155
5 bj 30"
4 snatch 185
4 bj 30"

C. Match 1 race 10 practice
3 males through:
12 OHS 165
25 t2b
10 DB pistols 50#
10 mus
20 bbjo 30"

Trained at Danny's work Alpha 1 Fitness, amazing facility.

A. Kilimanjaro race 2
40 thrusters @235
We went faster than last time ;)

B. Kilimanjaro race 7: Clean ladder practice 
265 with power cleans for myself

C. Kilimanjaro race 11 
I did burpee ring touches 

D. 3x 20 seconds sprints on the Xpo sled; rest 3 min 
The Xpo sled us pretty much a prowler but on wheels with resistance so there is no noise, also has the added benefit of consistent friction between surfaces, unlike the prowler where if you hit a rough patch on the asphalt it'll halt your sled. I want one!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Week 1

A. Build to a heavy tng 5 hang power snatch 195 speed focus

B. Build to a heavy cluster FSx3 reps got to 255, 275, 285, 295, 305 with around 1 minute b/t speed focus

C. AD sprints 20 on 40 offx5

A. Build to a heavy 3 push jerks 286

B. Build to a heavy power clean + hang power clean. No pauses. 275 was easy from the floor but the hang was a miss

C. Shoulder density 
2 stations: rest approx. 90 seconds b/t
AMRAP (-1 to 2)
10" paralette hspu
5" deficit hspu
DB push press 75#

5 snatches 155
5 box jumps 30"
4 snatches 185
4 box jumps 
Rest 2 minutes x 2

E. With a partner 
30 DL 305
30 hrpu
30 t2b
30 g2oh 165
Time 3:30

A. 200m x4 @75%

B. 3 sets. 
Thrusters x3 reps @245; rest 90 working on human rack 

C. Worked on pistols, oh lunges, and single arm OHS 

D. EMOM 12
Min 1 3 strict mus
Min 2 40 dus 
Min 3 10 DB hang snatches 45#/hand 

A. Groups of 3: 
400 dus for time, must be done in sets of 25 ub

B. 4 rope climbs for time x 2 sets; rest 4 minutes

C. 3 sets:
12 t2b
Rest 60
6 burpee box jumps 
Rest 3 min

D. Backwards roll to support practice 

E. 2 sets: 
10 tng clean and jerks 155 and 165 for speed.

F. 3 sets:
10 npubbj 12"
20 sec AB all out
Rested 4 and 7 minutes b/t

A. 180 wallballs for time 3 people 1 working 30# did sets of 15

B. EMOM 6 2 back squats at 265 speed focus @20X1

C. Thruster ladder 155, 175, 195 x 5 sets; rest 2 minutes AFAP

D. Freestanding hspu practice 

E. 2k row 6:39.1 
Around a 5 second PR

A. 1 moderate push jerks x5 sets; rest 60 seconds 242 felt like a house! Shoulders are achy and tired.

B. 1 time through AFAP 
Race 1 practice:
5 snatches at 155
5 box jumps 30"
4 snatches 185
4 box jumps 30"

C. Race 11 practice 
I did 9 burpee ring touches at 10' 2"
Ub and TnG. And my team beat Rasmus and Danny.

Overall a good first week, definitely need some rest and recovery. 

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Friday, January 24, 2013

Power Jerk x 1 rep
Rest as neededFive sets of
135, 225x4, 255x3, 275x2, 305x2 PR for a single felt light though, 325xfail, 225x3 back off sets

Five sets of:
Split Jerk x 1 rep
Rest as needed
225x5, 255x3, 275x3, 305x1. stopped here my shoulders were getting fatigued and my form was starting to get ugly

Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes:
5 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
5 Strict Pull-Ups
did 9 minutes then rested 2 minutes and did 3 more minutes

For time:
200 Calories of AirDyne
8:15:00 lungs were fine quads were lit up

Saturday, January 24, 2013

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes of:
1 Power Clean (225 lbs)
1 Muscle-Up
2 Power Cleans
2 Muscle-Ups
3 Power Cleans
3 Muscle-Ups
and so on....
6 rounds even

rest 5 min

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes of:
3 Power Snatches (135 lbs)
6 Toes to Bar
9 Box Jumps (24")
A. 5+9 reps

rest 5 min

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes of:
2 Thrusters (135 lbs)
2 Burpees Over the Barbell
4 Thrusters
4 Burpees Over the Barbell
6 Thrusters
6 Burpees Over the Barbell
and so on....
Finished 10 thrusters

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes of:
20 Kettlebell Swings (24 kg)
20 Hand-Release Push-Ups
2+25 reps

Friday, January 24, 2014

Thursday, January 23, 2013

Daily score

EMOM for 16 min:
Odd- 2 rope climbs
Even- 4 squat clean 225#
Done felt good, tiring and was out of breath but not bad
rested 3-4 minutes then...
EMOM for 16 min:
Odd- 5 squat snatch 185#
Even- 30 double unders
This sucked! Was super gassed after this. completed it all though barely. 
Emom for 16 min:
Odd- 7 deadlift 315#
Even- Row sprint 20 seconds
Called this part because I was so wrecked. was going to do it later but ended up teaching a class that I hadn't been scheduled for so I skipped it.

Friday, January 24, 2013

A. Power Jerk x 1 rep
Rest as neededFive sets of:
Build over the course of the five sets from 70-85% of your 1-RM Jerk
135, 225x4, 255x3, 275x2, 305x2 PR for a single felt light though, 325xfail, 225x3 back off sets

B. Five sets of:
Split Jerk x 1 rep
Rest as needed
Build to today's heavy split jerk.
225x5, 255x3, 275x3, 305x1. stopped here my shoulders were getting fatigued and my form was starting to get ugly

C. Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes:
5 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
5 Strict Pull-Ups
did 9 minutes then rested 2 minutes and did 3 more minutes

D. For time:
200 Calories of AirDyne
8:15, lungs were fine quads were lit up pretty good.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Monday, January 20, 2013

A. Squat snatch x1/Hang squat snatch x3/OHS x3; rest 2 min x5 complexes
Used straps for all sets. 185,205,205,205,205. Definitely a tough weight.

B. 1 1/4 back squat; 3x3; rest 2 min
All at 315# felt heavy. Probably going surfing for the first time didn't help

Tuesday, January 21st, 2013

10 sets @85%
Run 100m
5 burpees
10 box jumps 20"
Run 100m
50 double unders
rest 90 seconds bw sets
2:16, 2:12
2:10, 2:12
2:07, 2:12
2:17, 2:09
2:14, 2:09

Build to a heavy power snatch 245# 10# PR

For times (against a running clock):
Row 500 Meters
10 Power Snatches 185#
20 Toes to Bar

When the clock reaches 8:00, complete the following…

Row 500 Meters
30 Shoulder to Overhead 185#

When the clock reaches 16:00, complete the following…

Row 500 Meters
20 Toes to Bar
40 Handstand Push-Ups

When the clock reaches 24:00, complete the following…

Row 500 Meters
25 Burpees Over the Erg
50 Ring Dips

felt strong today, snatches and S2OH were supposed to be at 155#, but scaled up so I could go slower haha....and be a man.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Saturday, January 18, 2013

Daily score 7. 

row 500m @85%
rest 2 min
(same pace throughout all intervals…pick a conservative pace in this
week and we'll speed it up per week till regionals)

3 rounds for time:
30 power snatch 95#
15 burpees
Snatches were broken but breathing felt pretty good

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Friday, January 17, 2014

Daily score 9 slept 9 hours finally feeling recovered from the comp.

A1. 50 unbroken double unders x5; rest 0 seconds 
All ub
A2. 7 muscle ups for timer x5; rest 3 min
Done all ub, felt good
B. 10 strict pull ups for time x6; rest 90 seconds
Ub, ub, 7-3, 5-3-2, 5-3-1-1
C. Feet elevated ring rows @20x2; amrap unbroken x5; rest 2 min
8 each time. Like these a lot for getting into a good position.
10 min amrap:
10 shoulder to OH 185# (from floor)
10 box jumps 24"
7 rounds. Feel like my motor is coming back. 

A. Pressing snatch balance 5x5; rest 90 seconds
All at 135lbs
B. 1 1/4 front squat; 6-8x5; rest 2 min
225x7, 225x6, 225x6, 225x6, 225x6 these suck, elbows started dropping around 5 reps and was able to grind out another 
EMOM for 20 min:
Odd- 4 squat clean 225#
Even- 6 deadlift 315#
(if you get pressed to aggressively by the rep scheme, take a 2 min
break and jump back in where you left off)
Did 12 minutes then rested 2 then did 4 minutes rested 2 finished with 4 minutes. Total time 23:55. TOUGH! Weight felt super light in the beginning, back only got a little tight. Just sucking wind, definitely getting my mojo back 

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Tuesday, January 14, 2013

Daily score 5 maybe 6-7 hours of sleep, and body is fatigued from competition 

A. Split jerk; 15 singles @80% 1rm; rest 90 seconds
12 reps done at 265 felt slow and it felt really heavy on my shoulders, failed 13th rep so did 3 reps at 225 to finish off.

B. Amrap sets of 5 unbroken strict chin ups in 6 min
40 reps total  or 8 sets

C. 15 burpees @ constant pace; rest 2 min x3
Done felt good to just move 
Row 20 min @80% effort
2:05 avg

Wednesday, January 15, 2013

Daily score 5, slept 8 hours but still mentally drained from the weekend.

A. Clean pull x1/Hang clean pull x2/Hang power clean x3; rest 2 min x5 complexes
225, 245, 245, 255, 265

B. Pressing snatch balance 5x5; rest 90 seconds

C. Sotts press; 4-5x4; rest 90 seconds
All done at 95#
10 min amrap:
5 unbroken HSPU
5 hang squat clean 225#
4+7 reps. Thumbs hurt the worst of all and still no fire after this weekend

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Fort Vancouver Invitational 2014 (partner competition)

WOD 1: Row 2000 Meters
(each partner must complete 100 and 40)
100 Double Unders
40 Toes to Bar

I started the Row and my partner started the 100 and 40, I got 1050m then we switched. Row was good felt great throughout, did the DUs ub, and the T2b 10-10-5-5-5-3-2 Grip was smoked. Felt pretty good after, maybe should've rowed harder

WOD 2: EMOM Clean + Front Squat + Jerk starts at 215
Got up to 335# but missed the jerk, 325 was solid no pressouts on the jerks, 325# is a 20# PR on my jerk, 335# is a 10# Clean PR. Legs were slightly fatigued after this.

WOD 3: 100’ Sprint 20 Minute Time Cap
30 Wall Ball Burpees
12 Snatch 155/95 (Athlete 1)
30 Wall Ball Burpees
12 Snatch 165/105 (Athlete 2)
30 Wall Ball Burpees
8 Snatch 175/115 (Athlete 1)
30 Wall Ball Burpees
8 Snatch 185/125 (Athlete 2)
So 60 burpees and 60 wallballs and 20 snatches for me, I was partner 2. Did the snatches UB at the end and they were all power snatches. the 165# were easy as well did 6-3-3. My burpees were tough and wallballs were easy. Burpees were the hardest part of this and we paced those alot. Felt pretty good still after day 1.

Day 2:

WOD 4: 4 Rounds
Farmer carry 205/145 each hand, 80 ft.
16 Box jump-overs 30”/24”
Farmer carry 205/145 each hand, 80 ft
Crushed this. This really sucked though bad lung burn! I think I probably had the fastest split times of anyone there. So far the worst workout of the weekend.

WOD 5: 2 Rounds
25 Buddy Squats - Station 1
Buddy + Plates Carry
25 Buddy Squats - Station 2
25 Muscle-Ups * ª
Buddy + Plates Carry to Station 1
Event Rules Video
link not Safari compatible
*Teammate must be locked out with deadlift 275/205
 if the
other is touching rings or bar.
ª Round 1 is ring muscle-ups. Round 2 is bar muscle-ups.

This was horrible! Buddy squats killed me and my muscleups were bad only did 7 my first set and then less than that afterwards. Bar MUs were bad as well, just felt out of breath the entire workout.

WOD 6: Chip 1 - 50 Points
100 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
50 Thrusters 135/95

Chip 2 - 50 Points
100 Pistols, Alternating Legs
50 Deadlifts 315/195

Chip 3 - 50 Points
100 Burpees over Bar
25 Clean and Jerks 225/145
Partner Lunge 40 ft. 225/145
all done back to back to back. Pulllups and thrusters felt great breathing was on point. Pistols were good as well and breathing was solid, deadlifts were fast as well felt light, back was fine throughout. Burpees were shitty, I was super slow!!! Just couldn't move, and I couldn't catch my breath. Clean and jerks felt great but still gassed from the burpees bad just felt out of shape on this.

Engine is definitely not where is used to be but there is time still before the open, back never got lit up which was nice maybe because there was some built in rest in the workouts, felt super strong though which is nice! Good weekend!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Wednesday, January 8th, 2013

Daily score. 7-8 flew into Portland today landed at 9am. Slept well but only 7 hours plus 1 on the plane. 

Row 1k @80-85%
rest 3 min
Felt pretty damn good on these! Legs got a little tight but breathing was good. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Tuesday, January 7th, 2014

Daily score. 8 slept 7-8 hours plus got a nap in before training.

A. Push press x5/Push jerk x3/Split jerk x1; build to a max of the complex
135, 185, 245. Stopped there. The push presses were tough at the end. But not as hard as when I did my 245 push press 5RM. Jerks felt amazing! 

B1. Weighted chin up; 2-3x5; rest 10 seconds 53, 62, 62, 62, 62 all for 3 reps
B2. CTB chin up; 10 for time x5; rest 20 seconds all UB
B3. Muscle ups; 5 unbrken x5; rest 4 min UB, UB, UB, 3-2, 3-2
For time:
30 burpees
30 CTB chin ups
30 calories airdyne
Burpees were steady in 90 seconds
Ctbs were really fatigued from B did 10-5-5-3-3-4
crushed the AD, this hurt pretty good!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Monday, January 6th, 2014

Daily score 9. Slept 10, good fueling, good mood. 

A. Squat snatch x1/Snatch balance x3/OHS x5; rest 2 min x5 complexes
205 for all sets, perfect weight. Felt maximal every set. The OHSs were the worst. 

B. Pressing snatch balance 5x5; rest 90 seconds
135 for all sets, felt fast. Had to think about each one before going, very challenging.

C. Sotts press; 4-5x5; rest 90 seconds
75,85,95,95,95. Tough, but fun!

D. Back squat clusters 5.5.5x3; rest 30 seconds/rest 3 min
325, 325, 325. super tough! 325 was pushing it. Limiter is my ability to keep my torso upright, just start to lose tension in my lower back

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Saturday, January 4th, 2013

Daily score 8. Slept 9 hours but trained at 7 am then again at 11 am in between classes. Did the metcons in morning then the strength work at 11. 

A. Squat clean x1/Hang squat clean x3/Front squat x5; build to a max
of the complex
135,185,235,285 stopped there the front squats got a little ugly at the end of 285. Maybe could've done a little more, cleans felt great!

B. 1 1/4 back squat; 8-10x4; rest 2 min
Back got a tad tight. 
15 min amrap @80% aerobic pace
Row 500m
10 power snatch 95#
10 box jumps 24"
Row was 1:53 avg
Snatches were 5-5
Box jumps were steady just stepped down
rest 10 min
15 min amrap @80% aerobic pace
Airdyne 15 calories
10 OHS 115#
30 double unders
7 rounds even
OHS felt awesome all ub 
Dus all ub
AD steady pace 

Friday, January 3, 2014

Friday, January 3rd, 2014

Daily score 9. 9 hours of sleep feel great.

A. Split jerk; 15 singles @275#; rest 90 seconds
All done. Felt great, all three white lights. Felt a little heavier the last 7 reps. 

B. CTB chin ups; 20 sets of 5 unbroken for time
Limiter was probably a combo of muscular fatigue and breathing, felt pretty good though.
For time:
40 GHD sit ups
30 hspu
20 muscle ups
10 burpees
40 ghds in 1:50
Hspus 25-5 pretty quickly!
Mus 5-3-2-2-2-2-2-1-1 felt slow on these especially after the 100 pull-ups grip was tired 
Burpees. Just did them

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Daily score 8. Only 7-8 hours of sleep

A. 20 minute z1 AD, got 300 cals maybe slightly above z1 pace 
Did a bunch of mobility at well. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Daily score 7. Slept ok, went to bed at 10:30 and was in the gym at 8am so not as much sleep as usual, felt a little groggy dork all the pizza last night. Prosciutto pizza was amazing at devanti last night. Happy new year!!

A. Power clean; build to a tough single
305, missed 315 barely.

B. Amrap power clean in 3 min @90% of A; rest 5 min x3
At 275. 
13+1 failed, 15, 9+3 failed

C. 50 power clean and jerk for time 95#
3:11 23-5-5-7-5-5 feel like lungs are coming back wanted sub 3 but sub 2:30 is possible for me. Soon...
Grip was main limiting factor.

A. Squat snatch; Build to a moderate effort TnG triple
135, 185, 205, 225

B. Jumping back squat; 8-10x3; rest 2 min
(full depth, as fast as possible through eccentric/concentric)
225x10, 225x8 (stopped because I was slowing), 225x10 (because I felt like a pussy for doing 8 on the last set)
These sucked quads were tight, more so than usual on high rep squats 

C. 20 tng squat snatch 95# x2; rest as needed bw sets
UB, UB. Not fun haha. Super gassed after each rested 4-5 minutes. Quads were blown. Back was tight